INDARJAV are of two types....
1....Karu Indarjav ..... i.e.. Bitter in taste
2....Meetha Indarjav...i.e..Sweet in taste
INDARJAV...also known as...

1....Karu Indarjav ..... i.e.. Bitter in taste
2....Meetha Indarjav...i.e..Sweet in taste
INDARJAV...also known as...
- Marathi......Kutaja or Kuda beej
- Hindi..........Karva Indarjav
- Tamil.........Vepali
- Oriya..........Kherva
- Punjabi.......Keor
- Bengali......Kurchi
- Sanskrit.....Kutija
- INDARJAV....(BITTER)...uses and benefits
- Piles / Bleeding Piles .....Take 10 grms INDERJAV powder and 20 grms BEL PHAL powder...mix it ....take half teaspoon of it with normal drinking water twice daily for a few days.
- Fever .....take 10 grms INDERJAV + 10 grms KALMAK + 10 grms GILOY .....powder it....take about half teaspoon of it ....boil it in half cup of water,,,,drain...take it once or twice daily as required.
- Dysentery / Diarrhoea .....take 10 grms INDERJAV powder + 10 grms BEL PHAL powder + 10 grms SAT ISBAGOL ...... mix well ....take half tea spoon of it.... by adding it to a glass of water or a cup of fresh curd ...once or twice daily as required. //Consulting your doctor is Advisable before using any of above Ayurvedic treatments or medicines
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